Saturday, 12 July 2014

Celeb Masterchef...Pffft

Enjoying the current series of Celeb Masterchef.

Plus points:

The introduction of a "relay" in last night's semi. Two teams of three get 20mins to do an invention test whilst hoping the next person can carry the baton and continue the dish. Either continue it or improve it.

The idea that a team containing Biggins and Wayne Sleep are the "boys". Charley Boorman must have enough testosterone to make up the difference.

Redefining insanity. For me, the definition of insanity is now baking (yes, baking!) for the WI. Yes, they seem like a nice bunch elderly of women who get together periodically to swap recipes and knit. Do you know what? That description is literally like saying The Spanish Inquisition liked to sit you down for a cup of tea and a nice chat.

Jodie Kidd. Think she will win it. But it is close.

The annoyances:

The ousting of Millie...Whoever. Ok, she had a poor round. But I think she showed enough potential and actual knowledge to win it.

The realisation the Chrissie Biggins has clearly had written into his contract that he had to be referred to as "Biggins". I didn't think that until I saw on the menu that was provided clearly said just "Biggins". I think he was the first of the great divas. BTW if you feel like putting this into the positives column I won't think any less of you.

The insistence in the promos that this might be the greatest cbc (Celeb MasterChef). Now, I understand you have to big it up to secure another season. But don't lie to us. As Judge Judy would say "Don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining". I will give you a list of people who prove it is not the greatest. (attempt at chronological order, but, will probably get that wrong):

Matt Dawson
Andi Peters (He was the greatest shock of all)
Danny Mills (Another travesty)
Phil Vickery
Janet Street Porter (I said she'd win it unless they brought in a ringer. Then this guys rocks up...)  
Ade Edmundson (Booya)

I'm starting to want to switch the life-support machine of Celeb Masterchef off. It is kept around for people to look at, not get involved and asking "Who is stinking up the place?"

The flatline would be the greatest ever thing to incorporate into the theme tunes...

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