Saturday 31 August 2013

International blogging permits

I have 2 views from South Korea! Yay! Please let me know who you are and what brought you to the site.

I also have 12 now from the Americans. I love you all. Please keep visiting!

I feel a little bit dirty that I am so aware of my visit stats. I should be running more.

Its good to be back in the saddle. Did I say saddle? I meant harness

Although I have been active over the post-half week (swimming, bike and weights have been very prominent) last night was my first proper running type activity. A lovely game of 5-a-side in which a couple of defence-splitting passes meant I felt back to full fitness. It's strange. After only a relatively short period of full running training I have taken a necessary week off and really missed it. After 33 years of actively avoiding it it is a very strange feeling indeed!.

A proper run will be taken tomorrow. Not sure how long yet. If I can get 5 miles in followed by a swim I will be very happy

I had a genuine disappointment today. My favourite radio programme, Fighting Talk (anyone who likes sport, comedy panel shows, or both should check it out on Radio 5, Staurdays at 11:00) is now no longer hosted by Colin Murray! He has defected to Talksport! I am fully aware that none of you will have a clue what I'm talking about but still felt it was a point worth making.  

Friday 30 August 2013

defining demo-goguery

Ever since I started this site (a few hours ago) I have been fascinated with where the views have come from.

One of the first (if not the first) was from South Korea. Not sure why or how. Just glad it was south of the border.

I also have 4 from the good ole US of A. A couple of these may have been from the CIA (very tetchy!) but the others? Are people googling something like Stategic Vaseline? I'm not sure these are people I want to know. Only joking, you guys. I'm glad to have any visitors to the site.

I also got a visit from Russia. You guys are awesome (I don't want to p*ss the Russians off: Putin looks formidable in his page 3 shots and, like the Georgians, I know better than to annoy them)

Intro (supplemental)

Results are out now on the Thames Meander website. Somehow they have spelled my name incorrectly. How is this possible? I have never spoken to them. I have only ever corresponded through email and I'm pretty confident that I've always spelled my own name correctly! Anyhoo 2:56 is the official time and now the time to beat. The winning time of 1:22 is just crazy. Well done to him.

Thursday 29 August 2013


I suppose the first post should be an introduction and explanation into what this blog is all about. It's also a good opportunity to get all of the formalities out of the way.

Hi. My name is Aaron. I'm 33 (although closer to 34 than I care to admit to myself) and live a very unspectacular life in an exceedingly unspectacular town. I work in a job that I love for a  very unspectacular company and work with some very spectacular people. I'd love to tell you that I live at 29 Acacia Road or have a mate called Karate but it just wouldn't be true.

I'm trying, however, to do something very spectacular.

In November 2011 my mother lost her long battle with cancer. Dorothy House Hospice was an organisation who were very important in her care. They gave her respite and care when she needed it most and I want to do something to give back to them so they can keep doing their fantastic work. I know that cancer affects many of us and if I can do something for all of us (even if by proxy) then we will all be taking a step in the right direction.

I have started small and realistic. I completed my first half marathon on Saturday. This was a sort of tester event. A proof of concept. Results are not available for 2013 but, when they are, you will be able to see them at SPOILER ALERT: I managed to finish in a very unrespectable time of 2:35 but, for those of you who don't know me I am a recovering big fat fatty. Check out my employee photo if you don't believe me!

I have now signed up for my second event - the Bournemouth BMF half marathon. This will be on 06/10/13. I'm sure there are places left if anyone wants to join me!!! I have attached this event to a JustGiving website and this is the reason for this blog, for the run etc. Please go to I am also looking for ideas for what to do next. The natural step is to do the full marathon and I have my eye on one at the end of the year. I'm looking, though, for new and novel/torturous ideas for future fundraising events. Each suggestion will be taken with the same amount of gravity/number of salt pinches