Sunday 7 September 2014

Scottish independence. From one Englishman/Brit/European/Northern Hemispherist/Western Hemispherist/Human

I understand the arguments. I think. The fog (appropriate for a debate on Scotland) that has clouded many issues, though, is getting no clearer. 

The one thing that has struck me is the rest of the UK's apathy towards Scotland's wanting to leave. Now, myself, I'm not the militant type, but I am fully aware that those people are out there. I am astonished that the EDL or similar-type activist group hasn't started a YES campaign of their own on THIS side of the border. It tells me one thing. The rest of us couldn't give a shit. We are probably stronger together but we don't want you about if you are going to mess up the party.

My biggest fear about a split is that it would be anti-democratic for both countries. England would have generations of Tory-ruled governance, without opposition; Scotland would have the Hobson's choice of eternal Labour or the SNP. 

I'm still trying to work out who will ultimately benefit from a split. My fear is that it will be the people in power, Westminster AND Holyrood, and not the people it affects.

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