Saturday 26 October 2013

Jeremy's Beardy-weard

This is the first time I've waged into the political forum on this blog but, well, here goes.

Russell Brand, this week, engaged in an interview with the mighty Paxman (famously the brother of the chief executive of the Dartmoor Preservation Association) on his role of political magazine guest-editor. It can be viewed here.

I'm struggling to disagree with Brand. Voter apathy is not because people don't care but because they feel so disenfranchised with the system that they see no point.

Anyhoo, Brand's political foray is not the reason for this post and, believe it or not, neither is Paxman's magnificent beard (some can pull it off, others cannot. Myself? I think I look good with at least some designer stubble. The point is that men should not listen to the women in their lives - as a semi-metrosexual man I can confirm that the beard is a good look).

I actually just wanted to point out that I think that Brand's frustration/anger at Paxman is misdirected. Paxman did his job perfectly. He unbiasedly, albeit in his inimitable obnoxious style that makes him so good, questioned Brand on the fundamental issues that anyone who wants to be taken seriously needs to be asked. Brand, enrapt by a combination of the hypnotic hirsute-ness of his "foe" and the reason for his own cause did not seem too see that the beard was tacitly agreeing with him.

Questions, of themselves, are not disagreement. Ever. I use the same methodology in my work. Questions only ever lead to self-examination, improvement and refinement. Once you can answer all of the questions that are, or can be, asked then your position (political or otherwise) becomes solid. How and Why are the two greatest words in the English language.

If Brand can answer those questions, he could change the world.

</political rant>

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